Jaybots #16700 Mentorship

Mentorship Information

Hello, we are the JAYBOTS, an FTC robotics team from John Jay High School, Hopewell Junction. We are currently looking for talented, STEM driven mentors, someone just like you to help with several aspects of our club!

Sign up to be a mentor today!

There is a wide variety of ways you can help us!

  • Outreach Our robotics program is committed to making a meaningful impact through diverse outreach initiatives. We conduct CAD workshops, equipping aspiring engineers with essential design skills, while coding workshops provide opportunities for students to master the language of technology. Additionally, we actively engage with our local community, fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration. Above all, our mission is to propagate STEM education, spreading the seeds of innovation and knowledge for a brighter future.
  • Computer Programming plays a pivotal role in enhancing the functionality and autonomy of our robotics team's robotic systems by providing precise control, sensor data processing, and decision-making capabilities, ultimately enabling us to achieve complex tasks with efficiency and accuracy.
  • Computer Aided Design software within our robotics team streamlines the iterative design process, enabling us to create highly detailed and precision-engineered robotics parts, leading to enhanced performance, reduced errors, and efficient, rapid prototyping.
  • Build is the step where the ideas of the CAD come to fruition. The build process is continually revised as more ideas are brought to the assembly, and we use 3D printing to give our build the flexibility and precision required of the competition.

Hesitant? Send us an email stating your interest and we'll give you more information!